
Our vision is to use systems research and thinking from an algorithms-machines-lives-planet perspective, to create regenerative and resilient living systems that are economically profitable and beneficial to society and the planet. Thus, the company conducts, facilitates, and enables production, research, development, teaching, and training activities through regenerative approaches to agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, agritourism, and health, as well as consulting and teaching activities in knowledge-intensive areas, including data science, data engineering, machine learning, mathematics, statistics, AI, natural resource management, and therewith compatible activities.

  • Watch our first presentation at The Greenspiration Hour - Climate-Positive Swedish Beef & Dairy at Green Innovation Park, Uppsala Sweden

Vlog Deep Dives

It can be helpful to skim through the following playlists involving Natural Experiments with our Farming Scientists

  • Natural Experiments with Forest-Grazing Dairy Herd of Gudrun & Eva, Farming Scientists, Ljungan Systems Field Station, Torpshammar, Sweden
  • Natural Experiments with Pasture-Grazing Herd of Sven-Alf Blom, Chief Farming Scientist, Ljungan Systems Field Station, Torpshammar, Sweden
  • Natural Experiments with Continuous Forestry Systems at Ljungan Systems Field Station, Torpshammar, Sweden
    • Prerequisite viewing for continuous forestry is A Tale from the Woods Documentary by Campfire Stories.
  • Season 1: The Beginning
    • This is the Playlist containing the chronological sequence of videos constituting the superset of all of the videos in all playlists except Presentations

Field operations at the Kaviri Systems Field Station in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India, are about to commence.

  • A brief teaser, mostly in Tamil (although English is the sufficient working language of the company), if you want to get an idea of the agroecological system composed of a high-density thick forest for food, timber, biodiversity, etc.:


For more information email raazesh@vake.works.